Monday, March 16, 2009

CurvyGirl of the Week with Style!

Meghan McCain is my new favorite CURVYGIRL with STYLE!
Yep , it's John & Cindy McCain's daughter .

She has been harshly criticized lately about being plus size .
Are you freakin kidding me?
First she is CURVY and healthy.
Second she stylish , smart and confident.
Why do other women ( mean girls) have such a problem with smart
CURVY happy women??

Meghan talks back !
Read it

*Patty on Site*


Anonymous said...

Patty, thank you! For showing Curvy Girls in a positive light for once!! You have no idea how great this makes me feel!!

Anonymous said...

Meghan McCain rules. I saw her being interviewed on Jay Leno before the election, and I was surprised that she was even being brought along to campaign for her dad - the girl has quite a mouth on her! lol. She's sassy and classy, and very pretty, too. She is an opinionated young woman, and even wrote a children's book about her dad (awwww). What's not to love?

People hating on her for her size, OR HER FAMILY, just need to quit. They are probably just jealous, anyway...

Anonymous said...

Love her to death! Sorry to hear that she's being trashed on by jealous people and the like.