Hi ,
I have blogged about this subject before -- but here I go again!
I am so sick of the media bashing the celebs for being CURVY.
What message is this giving teens & women ?
Beautiful women come in all different sizes , shapes and colors.
Hello! Get a clue!
Women have to be unrealistically super thin to be healthy and loved?
Are you kidding me?
It's so annoying!
I truly think the media mobsters are unhappy in their loveless lives they can't stand to see anyone happy within their own skin .
They want the public to view women as weak victims .
Which justifies their own weak lives.
I think some of the media are middle-aged men who just want women to look like little girls or little boys they can control.
Look at what happened to Jennifer Love-Hewitt!
( read my archives)
Last time we saw her she was happy & loving her man
and he loving her!
After the media's bashing -- she lost a crazy amount of weight ---
now she looks bony and unhappy .
( WORD IS - her BF left her after she lost all the weight and became obsessed with being thin . Let's face it he loved her CURVES.)
I am not blaming the media entirely.
CURVYGIRLS have to be stronger - starting with the celebs!!
Don't let the media's idea of beauty break you down!
Don't be that victim!!
Jessica Simpson you have that hot stuff man - Tony Roma
Do it up!
and even if you did not have him -
Do it up anyway!
Go with it!
just click "comments" below
I really want to know what you think!
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51 minutes ago
Miss Patty Hughes you are right!!!
Us Curvy gurls hear you!!!!
We love out bodies!!!
Great article! Although I must bring to your attention that Jennifer Love Hewitt was not always "curvy". When she was on Party of Five and numerous shows before that she was your normal everyday thin girl. (Not a rail but thin just the same.) She obviously gained some weight over time and may have not been working out as much as she once had. That being said she put on some weight which in itself is not a crime.
Like she said in response to those dreaded Hawaiian photos that were plastered all over the tabloids: "A size 2 is not fat! Nor will it ever be. And being a size 0 doesn't make you beautiful... I know what I look like, and so do my friends and family. And like all women out there should, I love my body." For this I applaud her because she is being honest with herself and not buying into the image that Hollywood and major fashion designers subscribe to and sell as fact.
Now as to her boyfriend leaving her. I don't ever recall him saying to the press that it was because she went on a diet and lost her curves so perhaps it's not the best thing to say such .... However, it has been a well known fact that some men and yes woman get upset when the one they are with looks to better themselves whether that come in the form of working out to loose weight, going back to school to achieve a degree, or simply changing jobs. As the old saying goes "misery loves company" and perhaps with Jennifer getting back into shape he found himself wanting her to be back the way she was shut up in the house and not working out as much and possibly lacking confidence -- a void that such ones much prefer in their partner. Can you say controlling personality?
So in ending I say - Go on Jennifer with your bad self! You got to do you! Kick it to the curb. If he wanted it then he should of put not only a ring on it but the wedding to boot! She's better off without such a negative influence in her life
Hey look here - even Nick is defending Jessica's Curves! http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20256015,00.html?xid=rss-topheadlines
Hey look here - even Heidi Klum is defending Jessica's Curves! This is FAB!~
Really, this makes me smile. Its about time that people get over the fact that not everyone is or wants to be a size 0. Jessica, looks absolutely FABULOUS and so beautiful. Shes happy with herself and it shows and really, thats all that matters. Its good to see that she still went out and performed and had great outfits.
Im with you Patty Hughes, I AM SO OVER IT!!!!!
Carmen Electra is now supporting Jessica's Curves! In the people article: Carmen Electra: 'A Lot of Women Would Die to Look' Like Jessica Simpson
OMG... So the outfit would not have been my 1st choice but to see she has curves now - is AWESOME. She looks a million times better now! Someone please tell Jessica to get out there and flaunt it!!
I will continue to keep my fingers crossed for some positive recognition toward all of us curvy, bold, beautiful women!
I agree 100%. But it's also their fault cause once the media says their fat the celebs go and lose weight. Example Tyra Banks made a whole mess about the bathing suit picture, but than she lose weight, so in a way they are agreeing with the media.
Their not even fat I want them to get to size 10 like normal women, than well see.
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