Thursday, February 5, 2009

Etta at last!

Check out the link! (Etta at last)

I was wondering what Etta was thinking.
Frankly, I would of been upset too!
After all, Etta is not dead!

Look for my Cadillac Records fashion movie review.

*Patty on Site*


Anonymous said...

Don't mess with the best!!!
You go girl!
show B&*&@# who is the real diva

Anonymous said...

I agree with Etta! You are a classic girl and Obama should have called the one and only and Original Etta James to sing at that inauguration but I guess she isn't so fond of him now is she? She said he has BIG ears! She's right though! LOL AT LAST! Someone has spoke their mind against that non talented weaved singer! Now go tell that to all your "single ladies"!